Monday, September 25, 2006
Yesterday marked the first day of ramadhan.I was a lil saddened for not being able to fast, for not being able to perform the 1st terawih on the night of ramadhan.I was on the other hand feeling very happy and thankful indeed to the Almighty for giving me the patience, the confidence and faith in keeping up wif my responsibilities towards my children.
Its a well-known fact that fasting is made obligatory to every muslims who are in good health who have reached puberty n those who are sane.Having to train a young kid to fast isnt an easy task for me.Without strong will, you'll ended up feeling pity each time you see the child getting weaker n weaker throughout the first day of fasting.And to some extent, to some people, it looks like some kind of child abuse. But oh NO it isn't!! Allah is all-knowing and wif that i planted the seeds of faith in me.
Yesterday, i cooked a simple sahur meal for the family; ikan goreng cili n sop tahu telur. Its so tough waking the kids up perhaps its d 1st day of ramadhan. For Adlina Insyirah, i thought it gonna be tough for her to fast, as this lil one is a bit pampered; yg bongsu maklumlah. But hey, i was wrong! she was still in good shape though she did counting every hour of the time. Marha! Marha Insyirah! InsyaAllah, with god's will you will be able to make it for the whole of ramadhan.
Ok thats for all, time to sleep cos i have yet to cook for sahur . For you gals Selamat Menunaikan ibadah puasa,semoga di bulan yg mulia ini, kita akan sentiasa di berkati Allah.....Amin.
she told
the story ...
10:55 AM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Alhamdulillah kita masih lagi diberi peluang ber-ramadhan.
Mudah-mudahan ramadhan tahun ini
Lebih baik dari ramadhan2 yang lepas
Semoga setiap ramadhan dapat memberi shafaat kepada kita.
Marilah kita sama2 menjaga kesucian ramadhan
Sucikan harta dengan berzakat
Sucikan hati dengan beristighfar
Maafkan semua orang sebelum tidur
Sayangi semua makhluk yang ada di bumi
Nescaya yang ada di langit akan menyayangi kita
SELAMAT BER-RAMADHAN kepada semua umat Muhammad s.a.w
she told
the story ...
12:05 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006

Finally i managed to convince boss to put on on the henna color on my nails. The one that i post earlier is not the right one. So we went to Joo Chiat complex last week to search for the inai again. Cari punya cari and finally we coincidently saw a salesgirl whose nails has applied the henna on.Wah!!! Cantik n berkilat. She showed us the henna brand and kita apalagi borong lagi inai tu. Maka terjawablah kemushkilan hamba selama ini...
she told
the story ...
5:53 PM
Juz making a quick update here, spti yg telah aku janjikan. Well for the past few days, I hardly got the time to sit in front of my pc. Ini pun i try to squeeze in before going to bed. Yeah....its 12.00am and I juz finished doing my ironing.
Having a kenduri arwah at my place yesterday.After Maghrib, kami membaca surahtul yassin sebelum tahlil arwah. Alhamdulillah, everything goes as planned walaupun my m.i.l yg die2 nak buat kenduri ini tidak begitu sehat.Haizzzzz........ walaupun kami tidak menjemput sesiapa except for family atuk A n mine majlisnya spti orang akad nikah!!!!
Luckily, my mom n sis-in-law came to help besides the maid, kalau tidak huru-hara aku dibuatnya.Menu hari itu ialah lemak ayam cili api, ikan tenggiri asam pedas,sambal goreng and daun ubi masak tempoyak. Sodapkan!!! Tak boleh angkat!!!
she told
the story ...
12:01 AM