Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I was deeply saddened and shocked when i read d news yest. about a decomposing infant, found in a staff's locker at NTUC Bishan.I am so, so upset; doesnt d mother feel anything for d baby after carrying it for 9 mths? and wat more to leave it unattended until it decompose??
Wat was she thinking? There are couples trying hard to conceive n here they are, when they r given such blessing, they threw it away like rubbish..Are these people humans or animals?? I think they are neither human nor animal, more worse and degrading than an animal cos i do noe animals, walaupun tak mempunyai otak, they do care for their young so she & he or she is juz more filthy and worse than any animal i can imagine.
Right now i feel angry, damn bloody angry at such irresponsible people, such irresponsible humans.Know how to have sex, dunno how to be responsible. If they dont want d baby, they can put d baby up for adoption. Why muz they do this?? Its life for goodness sake! Mengucap panjang aku dibuatnya to curb my anger.I feel extremely sad for d baby, extremely sad that it was born from a low-profile mother.
She is not fit to be a mother.A mother wouldnt want ANYTHING to happen to her flesh n blood.As i am typing this , i could not control my tears n anger.How could she do such a thing? How could she?
Dear Baby
I am so sori that you were born into this world to such a woman.You deserves a mother not a bitch who has left u with your umblical cord still attached n left u to decompose till they cant make out your race n gender....
she told
the story ...
1:57 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
From sis & family
she told
the story ...
2:13 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hepi Birthday to me (2X)
Hepi Birthday to ME!!! (its belated)
As much as i am dread another year older, i am hepi, terribly excited and extremely grateful especially to ALLAH for allowing me to turn a year older. Alhamdulillah. May i be blessed with health, rezeki n always be a better for myself, insyallah.
I counted down to midnite n when it struck 12 , my hb is d first to wish me with hugs n kisses hehehe.... n wat did hb gives me this year? No not all d gold or diamond collection, he got me a u-zap from I am cheerful n upbeat mood today. Tq for all the birthday wishes that you folks gave thru the comment boxes, smses n b/cards. They really make my day..Love you guys...*muahhhh*
It lifted my spirits immediately n i was grinning like a cheshire cat.I also received a pleasant surprise from my loveliest this morning knocking at my door when i'm still sleeping.Subhanallah!! The 3 of them came in juz to wish a " Hepi B'day mama" So sweeeet!!! They even bake a cake (tq Q for guiding gal) for their mama, how thoughtful. Typical of
me, i cried.... i felt great !! Luv u darlings.....n the most very meaningful are their cards that they made on their own, im touched!!!!
I love u, u and U
Not forgetting my mom n dad who will never miss to give me a b/day card n a small token for their daughter every year.....La sygggggg mak dan bapak!!
And to my dearest sis n adorable nieces; tq for d beautiful card dat u have created.
she told
the story ...
12:04 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
she told
the story ...
4:56 PM

she told
the story ...
4:27 PM

I was contemplatating on wat i should blog abt. There were many issues, so many happenings around me, that it takes quite a while for all to sink in..Deep.
OK, lets start
The other day my hb's niece is making the majlis syukur n cukur rambut (oo... i forget to mention that she has delivered a healthy baby boy) at bab alwi. We were invited by an arabic lady to d mosque.As several of us are on 'haid' so kita like unreluctant to get into it . So she came to lead us d way to enter d mosque. Wahhhh!!!! she looks so anggun n beutiful u noe n d one dat strikes us most were her toe nails, hehehe. It looks exactly like d cutex so shining n neat ( kalau inai kan selalu cam selekeh n d color memang i tak minat) Then we came to noe that she is Habib's wife n d pelik thing is she is praying.Takkan isteri habib tak tau hukum ....mcm2 di fikiran. Kalau halal kita pun actually minat to apply on...(perempuanlah katakn).The majlis goes smoothly except for d few questions unanswered.
It was on d next day when i meet my kakis after sending adlina to school. We are having b/fast when i bring out the topic. M told me dat it is real inai fr saudi which is popular among d arabs n she also has seen her frenz putting on it too. It is like d whole questions being totally answered when suddenly d lady she is talking about appeared right in front of us!!! She is also going to get d inai in d afternoon. Wa lieu...... wat a good coincidence. So M dgn secara tdak sabar pun call A (our kakis jugak) was like a dream comes true when A brings us in her merz as we headed to joo chiat complex.We ladies like d unkecohrable n so excited to our dest. It is my first on earth going to geylang at abt 8.30 am. n most of d shops r not opened yet. Luckily, the arab shop that sells d inai thingy is opened. Apalagi we choose d colors, berebut2 mcm budak2 beli gula2. I managed to get only red and orange as d pink is out of stock......and can u guess how much a bottle cost???? Its 50cts n so i borong for about 20 bottles, of cos not for me jerlah(ada bnyk yg menunggu tu) .Da sampai geylang alang2 singgah skali pat pasar dia. Disitu i bought a few tudungs ...there again i break my promise but i have to grab them.How to resist??Anw hari raya is coming n i hardly go out during ramadhan so this is like 'an early preparation'. LOL
Wat a smart excuse.
Jeng,jeng,jeng.......this is d part that i betui2 frustrated n geram.Hubby came home from jumaat prayers and asked me wat did i buy from geylang.Hepi, hepi i pun critakn of d inai thingy.OMG, I got a negative reply from him!! He is such that hates ladies wif coloured nails.Da mcm2 alasan cek beri but my datuk A tetap tak suka. Im so disappointed , frustrated , angry dan apa2lah yg sewaktu dgnnya.Bertekak kita !! Boring tau. He sorted out his opinion which i sometimes juz could not accept it. Well, this is a marriage life, i shared my feelings n he shared his too.Sometimes its blissful, sometimes its not....juz like a wheel, we either go up n down. What can i do??
she told
the story ...
1:38 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I simply muz blog cannot tahan already. I feel so overwhelmed, i noe its very late but who cares?? Wheee... its dat time of the year again, where my beloved country celebrates our independence day (so patriotic seh) apake tidaknya today both of us are wearing red n white. TMD...Iam hor.*blush* cos August is also the mth of my b'day :P
Anw, today after fetching Adlin bac from school, me n my frenz went to banquet at causeway pt. for breakfast. Yeah.. dis banquet baru jer officially opened n there r many varieties of food to choose, from d teh tarik mama till d sushi fr japang. In fact, anything u want its here....(too bad i 4get to bring my cam) Dah kenyang, kita pun beredar dari situ.Actually, we intend to juz to jln2 while chit-chatting n laughing our heads off but heeeeeee.....i break my promise, u noe which one?Alah, the one NOT buying things but if u dah jln pat shopping centre susah nak keep promise tu tau. I macam Terbeli gitu.
Tertengok, Tersuka n Terbelilah
Cannot blame M cos she didnt put a gun to my head n ask me to buy...cek yg gatal nak beli..tapi suka ku!! Gatal pun gatallah buat bodoh goat!! But u tell me how to resist cheap n nice things.....definitely got to find a good excuse for buying all the stuffs..
she told
the story ...
7:46 PM