Sunday, June 24, 2007

Alhamdulillah, aku syukuri nikmatMu!
Ya Allah sesunggohnyer pelbagai nikmat telah kau kurnierkan kepaderku...nikmat iman, nikmat beribadah, nikmat kesihatan, nikmat maser dan kehidupan, nikmat berkeluarger dan selainnyer. Disaat ini ingin kupanjatkan raser kesyukuranku diatas nikmat rezki yang telah kau berikan kepaderku...alhamdulillah.
Selawat dan salam juger kusampaikan kepader Rasulullah s.a.w, tauladan kehidupan kiter, kepader keluargernyer, para sahabatnyer, serter para pengikutnyer yang sentiaser berupayer melaksernakan segaler syariatnyer.
"Dan ingatlah tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumatkan, "Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu; dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih." (Surah Ibrahim:7)
Kepader Zila dan Busu, trimerkasih diatas dorongan dan sokongan yang diberi. Very much appreciated!!
"Maha Suci Allah yang ditangan-Nya segala kerajaan, dan Dia Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. Yang menjadikan mati dan hidup, supaya Dia menguji kamu, siapa diantara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya, dan Dia Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun. Yang telah menciptakan langit berlapis-lapis. Kamu sekali-kali tidak melihat ciptaan Allah yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang, maka lihatlah berulang-ulang, adakah kamu melihat sesuatu yang tidak seimbang?" (Al Mulk: 1-3)
Alhamdulillah, segaler puji bagi Allah!!
she told
the story ...
1:11 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
So here is my quick update, been too caught up with my tight schedule. Oh yeah, i have succeeded in joining into an investment industry as a financial advisor. Since hubby is in d property market, he has decided to gang up together to build up my career but before i could proceed, I need to pass 3 examinatons to get the licence......haizzzz and the 1st paper is ths friday! Hope this is just a stepping stone to achive into a greater heights in the future, insyaallah.
she told
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7:06 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
14 Perkara Yang Sunat Dilakukan Pada Hari Asyura
Hari Asyura - 29 JANUARY 2007
(10 Muharram, bersamaan Isnin, 29 Januari 2007 )
1. Melapangkan masa / belanja anak isteri
fadhilat - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
2. Memuliakan fakir miskin
fadhilat - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
3. Menahan marah
fadhilat - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang ridha.
4. Menunjukkan orang sesat
fadhilat - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
5. Menyapu / mengusap kepala anak yatim
fadhilat - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang di sapunya.
6. Bersedekah
fadhilat - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari
kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
7. Memelihara kehormatan diri
fadhilat - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
8. Mandi Sunat
fadhilat - Tidak sakit (sakit berat)pada tahun itu
lafaz niat : "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala"
9. Bercelak
fadhilat - tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
10. Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir seribu kali
fadhilat - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah diakhirat nanti.
11. Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat
fadhilat - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya.
lafaz niat : "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala" Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas fatihah di baca Qulhuwallah sebelas kali.
12. Membaca
"hasbiyallahhu wani'mal wakil wa ni'mal maula wa ni'mannasiiru"
fadhilat - Tidak mati pada tahun ini .
13. Menjamu orang berbuka puasa
fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
14. Puasa
Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala"
fadhilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.
Semoga Bermanfaat Dan Dapat Dipanjangkan Kepada Yang Lain-Lain.
she told
the story ...
4:39 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
Blessed New Year to all. Hope 2007 will bring much happiness, joy n prosperity and Blessings to all. Enjoy the new year and may your resolutions be met this year. A brand new day on a brand new year, may you and your family enjoy a good health always. And thank you to all sweet bloggers for the warm wishes n excuse me for the late reply.
For that and everything else, I am forever grateful and to every single thing that have mould me to how I am, in whatever way I am. Thank you ALLAH for the 2006, he have created for me for the unconditional love, the love i got from from those who really do, good days and bad days, laughing and wailing times, the beautiful and the ugly, the rich and broke months, the hardworked and the dreams fullfilled, the hurt and the bliss, the pain and the gain, the ups and downs, the friendship and the networking, the deaths and born, the compliments and critiques, the understanding and misunderstanding, the pleasant encounters and intimidating ones.
This is juz the beginning. It has been a colourful journey. So there is no written skyhigh resolutions whatsoever, im bringing with me whatever I feel necessary and filtered what I think is not. Life goes on and I am about to meet new discoveries.
she told
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3:50 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
she told
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9:00 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Don't know of the truth in it, but.. whatever, right?..Guys,This happens to me just a few weeks ago (nov 2006). I had taken a maid from one tekong in sg buloh few months back. She was screened. Her name Wasuyun. She is from Madura. Age late 30.I was very satisfied with her services.
Everytime I come home, the house is spick and span. Floors mopped, windows wiped, dishes cleaned, laundry folded. No complaints. But I noticed that she never had any sprinkle of water over her, she was never wet or look tired after a day of hard work. And we live in a huge penthouse.
One night we were having a family dinner. The phone rang and she picked up. But the moment she said hello the line went dead. This happens a few times. So I suggested that next time it rings, I will pick it up. So the phone rang. It was a guy on the other line. He said that if the maid is next to me just answered everything as "yes". So I did. The guy pictured the maid to us and identified our house correctly. He told me that my family and I are in great DANGER and asked me to take the family out immediately and meet him somewhere.
I put down the phone and told the maid that my mother-in-law has fallen ill and that we have to go back to Kelantan right that minute. She insisted to come along but I instructed her to stay.We dumped our children and my parents at the mall. My husband and I went to see the guy that night. The guy said that the maid used to work for her. I asked him how he got our number. He said that the maid has been calling their teenage son everyday as she had fallen in love with him. But that is just part of the problem.
Later they discovered that the finger tips of their 5 year old son were damaged. They got smaller and thinner. The doctor said that something or someone has been sucking blood out of the fingers. So they immediately sacked the maid.I didn't believe the guy, but later told my father who is paralysed and lived with us on the ground floor. He said that he noticed something was wrong with the maid. Everytime he wakes up to go to the toilet at 2 or 3 inthe morning, the maid was not in her room and the door was wide open. She could not have been outside the house as she doesn't have the key to the front door.I sensed something wrong. I told my husband to send her back.
When we got home, we told her that we have to be in Kelantan for a few months and that she has to go back to the tekong. She refused to go and refused to pack. But I insisted to send her that very same night and said that I will send her things later. By then my husband managed to get help from a pak haji neighbour to follow us to the tekong. She was very angry of course but did not say a word.We went back to pack her things. I found a menu in her bag that says she has to eat 10 eggs on monday night, some blood on tuesday night, chicken blood on wednesday and so forth.My husband and I together with the pak haji went back to send her stuff the next night. As soon as the tekong opens the door, pak haji felt that someone has lifted him up and threw him over to the wall. I saw with my own eyes. He literally flew from one end to the other end of the room. He got up and we quickly ran to our car. By then the tekong had came out and shouted something to us. Since we had already left he called us on the phone. He was shouting at us "Apa benda kamu hantar ini?? Benda berhantu?? Dia sudah marah sekarang sedang terbang keliling rumah!!!".
My husband just shut the phone off and we went home.Guys, please be careful. I live in Ampang and the tekong house is in Sg Buloh. This incident happened just a few weeks ago. This "maid" or whatever creature she may be is still flying around somewhere. This is not a ghost story. ___________________________________________________________________________________
she told
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11:41 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sweety Kamsiah, Me N Beauty Shila
And Glamourous Guy
she told
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10:16 PM
Yeah..yeah..... as I have mentioned that I will be back for update....
Last sunday, i made a small gathering for my ex-colleagues in my house. This is a special treat for s yg akan berangkat ke tanah suci tak lama lagi. Ive prepared shephered pie, mee hoon and some donuts for them. We shared stories and jokes and had a heaven of good time together.The limited time that we had did not hinder us from having quality time together.Ok, besides them i have another visitor, sis n bil and my cutie nephews. Da lama jugak, bebudak tu nak datang rumah aku baru ni tercapai, bukan main lagi anak2 aku pun sungguh suka benar duk melekat main ps2.
Secondly, i'm feeling exuberant cos gal got her edusave scholarship.Yess! She did well in her FYE and be the top student in school. I am sorry that i cant hide my feelings to say that this year she has given me more than enough reasons to be proud of her. Im very thankful to Allah swt for his blessings and bounty that he had bestowed on me n my family especially to my children.Thankful even though this servant of his still got a long way to become a good muslimah, He still loves and bless her with his Rahmat.Syukran ya Rabbi!....Syukran!
Last sunday also marks my MIL's birthday, we had a small prayers after our ugama class and had a small feast for her. I must admit that she is BEST mil i have ever known.Throughout my years of marriage with my husband, she has been kind and does not ever complain or interfere in our life. Though i am not close to her, it does make me feel good to know that she is comfortable to have me with her. Nothing beats me to be happy with my loved ones.Thank God...
Guess i better stop here.... To my family extended families..friends and blogger freinds
Have a GOOD DAY and TAKE CARE....
she told
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7:39 PM